Different League


Major League x Next Intention x End Game x Romeo




Name List Price Overrun (After 10am pst) Last Call (After 1pm pst)
Name List Price Overrun Last Call
American Gangster 300 250 200
American Spirit 200 150 150
Bel Air 250 200 200
Different League 400 300 250
DL 112-1 300 250 200
DL 112-4 300 250 200
DL 112-8 200 150 150
Family Man 250 200 150
Game Plan 200 200 150
Heavyweight 300 250 200
Lonely Road 200 150 150
Loud N Clear 400 300 250
Rowdy Rebound 200 150 100
Straight White Male 200 150 150
Tarantino 51 250 200 150
Temple Run 200 150 150
Toy Story 300 250 200
Tricked Out 6-8 300 250 200
Tsunami 250 200 200
Wildcat 124 250 200 150
Wiley Coyote 300 250 200

Click here to view full price list


  • DIFFERENT LEAGUE is our 2023 Exchange purchase from Streber Genetics and we could not believe we got this one bought!
  • We haven’t been this excited about a boar purchase since Wedding Night! Honestly, it is rare for us to buy a boar, but after seeing videos and hearing about how good this one’s momma, grandma, and siblings are, he was an absolute MUST-HAVE!!
  • Different League is both the heaviest legged and shaggiest animal residing in Colusa, and that is no exaggeration! However, what gets us most excited about him is for as incredibly stout as he is, he has an awesome hip and hind leg that can reach and flex and his pastern set is absolutely ideal.
  • Different League is a power boar that will bring monster legs and feet to the table along with a round rib cage, a dense, stout skull, and a bold chest.
  • We couldn’t be more thrilled about the pedigree this stud brings to the table — stacking Next’s mom in his pedigree three times along the great End Game sow of Streber’s on the bottom side.
  • DIFFERENT LEAGUE will see as heavy of use as any sire added to the stud in recent history. After all, this one is in a DIFFERENT LEAGUE!!