

Never Before x Rockstar’s mom (Visionary x Hot Wired x Magic Man x Perfect Remedy)

Mating Suggestions

  • Foresight works extremely well on a variety of females and he does a great job of painting his progeny up with belted, chrome, very attractive color patterns. Pigs are small at birth. He will sire LOTS of bone and hair, a big chest, and a big pinset with good range of motion off both ends.
  • Don’t be afraid to turn this guy loose on your best ones. His semen quality is exceptional and he never lets you down — he is one of those rare boars that doesn’t sire a bad litter.

Bred By

Logan Farnham


Name List Price Overrun (After 10am pst) Last Call (After 1pm pst)
Name List Price Overrun Last Call
American Gangster 300 250 200
American Spirit 200 150 150
Bel Air 250 200 200
Different League 400 300 250
DL 112-1 300 250 200
DL 112-4 300 250 200
DL 112-8 200 150 150
Family Man 250 200 150
Game Plan 200 200 150
Heavyweight 300 250 200
Lonely Road 200 150 150
Loud N Clear 400 300 250
Rowdy Rebound 200 150 100
Straight White Male 200 150 150
Tarantino 51 250 200 150
Temple Run 200 150 150
Toy Story 300 250 200
Tricked Out 6-8 300 250 200
Tsunami 250 200 200
Wildcat 124 250 200 150
Wiley Coyote 300 250 200

Click here to view full price list


  • We named this boar Foresight because Mark had the great foresight to get him bought as a baby online before he grew up and became untouchable. We’ve never been so impressed with how a boar has matured and Foresight will see the most broad use of any new sire across the females here at Ottenwalter Show Pigs
  • Foresight offers HUGE feet and toes and the spread to his toes is freaky big — they remind us of Super 7’s toes years ago. He’s so tremendously flexible in all of his joints and offers a textbook hip and hind leg
  • He’s so tremendously STOUT in his skeleton and his front end is picturesque — he reads like a man through his skull and jaw and his chest is huge and square.
  • Winter 2022 UPDATE: Foresight has serviced a large chunk of our matings for the winter/spring of 2022/2023. We are so thankful to have this boar to go back to and truly believe he was a bit ahead of his time when we purchased him. His bone, hair, and moderate frame along with his true athleticism make him an awesome choice for gilts as well!