Wylie Coyote


Day Money (Backdrop X Kingpin) X Next Intention X Stay Classy X HMB71 X Red 7


Name List Price Overrun (After 10am pst) Last Call (After 1pm pst)
Name List Price Overrun Last Call
American Gangster 300 250 200
American Spirit 200 150 150
Bel Air 250 200 200
Different League 400 300 250
DL 112-1 300 250 200
DL 112-4 300 250 200
DL 112-8 200 150 150
Family Man 250 200 150
Game Plan 200 200 150
Heavyweight 300 250 200
Lonely Road 200 150 150
Loud N Clear 400 300 250
Rowdy Rebound 200 150 100
Straight White Male 200 150 150
Tarantino 51 250 200 150
Temple Run 200 150 150
Toy Story 300 250 200
Tricked Out 6-8 300 250 200
Tsunami 250 200 200
Wildcat 124 250 200 150
Wiley Coyote 300 250 200

Click here to view full price list


  • This guy has been nothing but impressive since we got him in last summer and his first pigs look killer good. When Keith Wiley sent me a video of him just standing in his pen he immediately peaked our interest because he brings to the table so much that is winning in the show ring on a daily basis.
  • Wiley brings forward the SHARPEST look upfront that you’ll find anywhere with a SEXY profile and the running gears that win the big ones. For a boar with this much shape and muscularity and this big of a pinset, he maintains tremendous squareness at his hock and his reach off both ends is amazing. On top of this, his pedigree is an outcross for us and his phenotype is a natural compliment for all of the DL daughters out there. We are using him on sows that need more look, shape, and athleticism. For those out there wanting to make dirty yorks, keep in mind that the solid-black on a solid white female will typically will generate some of those and he is an IDEAL candidate for those chuffier fronted, big bodied white ones out there.